Thursday, January 31, 2013

Italy in the Summer of 2009

A few years back, I took a trip to Italy to see The Sistine Chapel. I was admiring the beauty of the building. Really taking in all the fantastic artwork that covers the Chapel. Until I came across the famous piece "The Creation Of Adam" Painted by Michelangelo. Adams face started to chip, so I spoke with the Pope, and he gave me permission to chip away some Adam's face. Doing so I discovered that originally Adam looks a lot like my friend Aaron.

Like honestly you can not tell me that this does not look like Aaron


Hello People of the Internet,

Thats Me
My name is Billy Ralph, and I am a 20 year old Graphic Design student. Throughout my worldly travels, I've noticed that a lot of famous paintings, animals, and assortment of objects look like my friend Aaron Adams. This blog is dedicated to showing the world everything that looks like Aaron.
This is Aaron